10 Automation Testing Skills to Have in 2024

In 2024, the demand for skilled automation testers continues to rise due to the increasing complexity of software systems, faster release cycles, and the need for comprehensive testing coverage.

To excel in automation testing, testers must possess diverse skills, including proficiency in automation testing tools, programming languages, and frameworks.

They should also have strong analytical and problem-solving abilities and effective communication skills to collaborate with developers and other team members.

In this article, we will learn the top 10 automation testing skills in high demand in 2024.

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#1 - Knowing Programming Languages

Programming languages are a core competency essential for automation testers. When you start as a manual tester, coding may not seem necessary. But when you move to automation testing, you realize you cannot write good automation test scripts without understanding programming basics.

Programming skills make it easier to create automation scripts and communicate with developers. Your role and career goals depend on how much programming you need to know.

Developers must possess high levels of talent and proficiency in programming languages to build a software application and perform unit testing.

Similarly, testers must have a deep understanding and proficiency in coding languages to automate testing effectively and perform different types of testing.

However, the specific language depends on what the developers use for the project. For instance, if it's built with Ruby, you should at least know Ruby basics.

The need for programming knowledge varies by the automation framework used when creating the test scripts. If you are using TestNG or JUnit, you must know Java.

However, if you are using Cucumber, scripts can be written in plain English, so you don't need extensive coding or back-end logic knowledge; just knowing Selenium WebDriver is enough.

#2 - Understanding Business Requirements

Before the testing phase begins, a skilled automation tester must have an in-depth understanding of the application, both from the front end and the service layer.

They must know:

  • The programming languages used by the development team.
  • The platform or device requirements for the application and where it is intended to run for end-users.
  • The databases used for storing back-end information and user data.
  • The APIs or web services connected to the system and how they are used.
  • All the features and functions are expected by the end-users or stakeholders once the application goes live.
  • Was any manual testing performed during the testing phase, and how was it executed?
  • The anticipated duration allocated for manual testing of the application.
  • Whether there are any unresolved critical bugs from the previous release and assessing their potential impact on the business.
  • The expected delivery date by which the testing phase needs to be completed.

Automation testers must ensure that websites work well on all browsers. Apart from major browsers, the growing use of many open-source browsers, which vary based on factors like age group or geographical location, highlights the importance of cross-browser compatibility testing.

The tester should have sufficient knowledge of creating browser compatibility matrices and automated cross-browser testing using Selenium WebDriver or cloud testing platforms to ensure the website renders perfectly on all targeted browsers.

The points mentioned are basic, and their complexity depends on the nature of the application and the development methodology.

#3 - Knowing Different Development Methodologies

Remember, your organization expects you to know about testing and how different development methodologies work. If your project follows DevOps or Agile, don't rely solely on your team lead to tell you what to do.

Be proactive, deliver your work promptly, and stay prepared for any upcoming tasks or discussions. Attend daily scrum meetings to stay updated and avoid awkward situations when stakeholders or managers ask critical questions about your current work stage.

Knowing development methodologies will also help you advance your career within the organization.

#4 - Designing and Implementing Test Automation Framework

Building strong and adaptable test automation frameworks is a highly valued skill for automation testers.

A good framework should have clear, separate parts, be usable for different tests, and be easy to maintain and improve. This ensures that tests run efficiently and integrate smoothly with continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

Automation testers should know common design methods like the Page Object Model, Data-Driven Testing, and Keyword-Driven Testing. They should understand when to use each method based on the project's needs. Being skilled in using version control systems like Git is also important.

In simple terms, being able to design flexible and maintainable automation frameworks, knowing different design patterns, using version control, and working closely with developers are highly valued skills for automation testers.

#5 - Using Automation Tools

As an automation tester, one must be an expert in using various automation testing tools. These tools help test applications quickly and thoroughly.

Some key automation tools you should know how to use:

  • Selenium - For testing web applications.
  • Cypress - For performing end-to-end testing for the applications.
  • Cucumber/SpecFlow - For behavior-driven testing.
  • Appium - For testing mobile apps.
  • JMeter - For performance testing, and more.

It is crucial to have hands-on experience in setting up test frameworks, writing automated tests, running tests, analyzing results, and integrating with other tools.

Being an expert allows you to automate various types of testing, including functional, regression, load, and security testing. It's also important to learn about new automation tools as they emerge.

Deep expertise in using the right automation tools enables you to test applications efficiently while ensuring high quality. This expertise is essential for any skilled automation tester.

#6 - Troubleshooting Automation Tools

Automation testing tools are widely used and relied upon and often boast considerable size and complexity. They require testers to have detailed technical knowledge about the tool before using it in a project.

In previous projects, you may have faced scenarios like:

  • Although the application functions correctly according to business requirements, the script displays errors in the test results.
  • Despite the script showing success, the application is encountering runtime errors.

These situations, known in the industry as false negatives and false positives, often arise when testers lack sufficient knowledge in configuring the test scripts. They may rely too heavily on templates, expecting the tests to run successfully without proper configuration.

To become a successful automation tester, you need detailed knowledge to configure the tools and troubleshoot them when false positives and negatives arise.

If you're in a test lead role, you must ensure that the application's architecture is compatible with the automation test tool. Using an incompatible tool can lead to unsuccessful test cases and unexpected errors, complicating the troubleshooting process.

#7 - Understanding Test Management Tools

The primary objective of automation testing is to simplify the testing process by reducing its time complexity. As an automation tester, you should have some experience with a test management tool because:

  • Test management tools are flexible and allow users to record errors and sort them according to priority based on how they affect the project. Additionally, their scalability enables easy information exchange between team members.
  • If you are an automation testing lead, working experience with a test management tool will help you track the progress of the testing phase from one stage to another. You can maintain a dashboard to document test cases according to their phases, ensuring reusability for future projects.
  • As a tester, you can report your activities using the tool. As a test lead, you can access real-time reports on the activities of the resources under your supervision, allowing for efficient monitoring of their activities. This helps analyze the current project's progress and speeds up overall activities since no time is wasted tracking resources.
  • Lastly, you can be free from security concerns. A test management tool ensures that all important information regarding the testing phase is secured and accessible only to your team and management.

#8 - Testing on Cloud

As more applications and services are hosted on the cloud platforms, the ability to perform testing in cloud environments has grown significantly.

For cloud-based testing, testers need to:

  • Understand basic cloud concepts like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
  • Be familiar with major cloud platforms.
  • Know how to set up test environments in the cloud using virtual machines and containers.
  • Integrate testing tools with cloud services for web and mobile app testing.
  • Follow best practices for cloud security, like data encryption and access control.
  • Use cloud-based tools to manage tests and analyze results.

Automation testers proficient in cloud-based testing can ensure comprehensive testing coverage while leveraging the cloud's flexibility and resources. LambdaTest is one such platform that offers cross-browser testing.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ real devices, browsers, and OS combinations.

This highly efficient testing platform enables you to perform live and interactive application tests.

Key features of LambdaTest:

  • Supports multiple automation testing frameworks.
  • Provides stable online test environments with real devices, emulators, and simulators.
  • Ensures scalability and security.
  • Offers enterprise-grade testing setup.
  • On-demand access to a wide range of browsers and operating systems.
  • Integrates with CI/CD tools like Jenkins for continuous testing.
  • Enables live interactive browser and app compatibility testing.
  • API for seamless integration with existing testing workflows.
  • Detailed test logs and screenshots for issue tracking.
  • Integration with bug tracking and project management tools.

#9 - Thinking Analytically

Analytical thinking means analyzing complex problems, breaking them into smaller components, and identifying the optimal solutions.

For automation testers, this involves:

  • Understanding the business requirements for an application.
  • Translating those requirements into effective test plans and test cases.
  • Identifying which areas of testing should be automated.
  • Ensuring your automated tests cover all the important scenarios.

Analytical thinking helps testers design comprehensive test cases, decide what to automate for optimal test coverage, and solve problems that arise during testing. It's a critical ability for tackling complex testing challenges effectively.

#10 - Communicating and Collaborating

Having communication and collaboration skills is essential across various professions, particularly in roles like automation testing. Testers must interact with developers, business analysts, and other testing team members.

Effective communication skills enable automation testers to:

  • Understand project requirements and testing objectives.
  • Ensure all stakeholders share a common understanding and are aligned.
  • Report test results, share insights, and discuss the overall progress of testing activities.

Collaboration skills empower automation testers to:

  • Work efficiently within a team environment, fostering productive cooperation.
  • Contribute to Agile ceremonies and discussions.
  • Participate in formulating test strategies, planning testing efforts, and resolving defects collaboratively.
  • Facilitate seamless coordination and knowledge sharing among cross-functional teams.