6 Resume Writing Tips for Job Change

Before making a career change, consider all the possible pros and cons. Perhaps such an impulse is caused by fatigue, emotional burnout, or bad relationships with some of your colleagues. Sometimes, to get rid of quitting thoughts, you need to rest, get a small bonus or have a heart-to-heart talk with a team member who is constantly causing you problems. So read this article to turn your career around 180 degrees. These valuable tips help you write a perfect CV and interest a future employer.

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Where to Get New Experience

Even if you have ten years of experience as an accountant, that won't help you much when you're looking for a job as a graphic designer, and vice versa. You must build up experience and start from scratch when you change careers. You can't write a CV without profile experience, either; it should only contain information relevant to the job. So check out this table to learn how to gain the required work experience.


If you have work experience, you already have connections and professional contacts, which you can use. Talk to people you know from different companies and offer your candidacy. Consider that a presentation of you by a team member is a more effective than usual response to a vacancy.


Choose courses with many hands-on assignments since they will be your first experience in your CV. Then, after taking good practice, you can safely take on easy projects and apply for entry-level positions.


Companies usually want to see students or recent graduates on internships, but some offers are available to everyone. You can get the experience you need at training, learn more about a particular sphere, and try your hand at it. Internships are sometimes paid, but your responsibilities will be lower than in a regular job.


The selection of employees in a startup is not as harsh as in large corporations. Startups are willing to take inexperienced enthusiasts and grow as a team. Try to find out about interesting young projects and write them a good cover letter. You likely won't get official employment, but you’ll get the needed experience.


For example, you want a job in a fabulous design bureau but have no experience. So, try to offer your services on the freelancing exchanges. That way, you'll fill up your portfolio and make money. But, get ready that there will be a lot of competition and a constant search for orders.

But sometimes, you have all the information you need to write the perfect resume, but don't know how to fill it out correctly. In this case, it's better to go to Trust My Paper, where you can find a specialist who draws up a CV under all the new requirements, which will undoubtedly interest your future employer.

How to Write an Updated Resume

Writing a CV when you change the field of work is a little more complicated than usual because, in this case, it’s essential not to overdo unnecessary information. It’s also not worth rushing with it if you have no experience, courses, or internships.

So take care of the practical knowledge first, and then create a CV. And then, you'll learn what else you need to keep in mind when writing a resume for a job change.

# 1 Highlight Skills Needed for Desired Job

Carefully select which skills from past careers to add to your resume. For example, a former editor doesn't need to write about writing longreads on a developer's resume, but a teamwork skill is worth mentioning. If you're afraid, the CV will look empty, leave some irrelevant skills, but let them be a little closer to the new field of work. Use sites that provide the best essays to improve your writing skills before making your resume.

# 2 Describe Your Competencies in Detail

If you don't have much experience in the new field, emphasize your skills. Remember, writing a few words about your responsibility and public speaking skills isn’t a good idea. Indeed, be more specific about describing them.

For example, not "advanced public speaking skills," but "experience making presentations to top management,"  or "experience speaking at international events of more than 1,000 people."

# 3 Show Your Motivation

A person who changes the field of work is a mystery to the employer. It can also be an infantile person, an inept team member, or someone who suddenly realizes their calling. Your task is to prove that you belong to the last type of candidate.

Your resume and cover letter should reflect your great desire to work in a new sphere. Please consider the About Me section and carefully prepare its text. Of course, in this case, the best option is to hire an essay writer if you want to avoid possible mistakes.

# 4 Write a Cover Letter

For the career-changing candidate, a cover letter is a must-have tool. It's a chance to explain to HR why you're applying for a job and why you're confident you can do better than the average newcomer.

In addition, bring to the forefront important information for the new role: additional education in the new profile, a solid theoretical base, and at least occasional experience, if you have it (internship or individual projects on a freelance basis). So, what are the basic rules to consider when drafting a cover letter?

✔️ Don’t duplicate information from the resume;

✔️ Describe the benefit for the company, not for yourself;

✔️ Summarize your achievements and quantitative results;

✔️ Show your awareness of the company's activities;

✔️ Write about why you have decided to make a career change.

Note that the last point is the most important. You must explain in detail why you were so attracted to the new field that you decided to move into it. It's not an empty formality: all employers want to get genuinely motivated employees.

So newcomers who move into a new profession are usually enthusiastic, and that's their competitive advantage. But also consider such a nuance: your enthusiasm must be based on realistic expectations of the new job, not imaginary ideas.

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People changing careers should prepare for difficulties at the beginning of their journey. It's like being back in the position of a graduate with no experience looking for his first job. So how to make this process easier? First, use writing tips to properly package your previous experience on your CV, showing the employer what will be important in your new profession.

Tiffany Porter has been working as a Chief Writer at Online Writers Rating, reviewing a variety of writing services websites. She is a professional writing expert on such topics as digital marketing, blogging, design.  She also likes travelling and speaks German and French.